Guide to Magnet Fishing in New Mexico: Where to Go and Is it Legal?

New Mexico is a state in the western region of the United States of America. Around 292.15 square miles of New Mexico’s total area is water, which means this state has the least water bodies compared to other states. However, quantity doesn’t mean quality, and there are still enough great places to go magnet fishing.

Is magnet fishing legal in New Mexico?

Yes, magnet fishing is legal in New Mexico. However, you will need the landowner’s permission if you’re planning to magnet fish on private property. To learn more about magnet fishing regulations in New Mexico and other states, visit your state fish and game department website for details before heading out for your next magnet fishing adventure!

Of course, what is legal isn’t always ethical. It would not be the first time repeated, reckless or inconsiderate behavior resulted in federal regulation. Please have a look at our magnet fishing etiquette!

What are the best places to magnet fish in New Mexico?

New Mexico offers many opportunities for magnet fishing as it has some of the most historic waterways in the US. Here are a few of our favorites.

Rio Grande River

Runs through Santa Fe and Los Alamos County, the Rio Grande River is home to many interesting landmarks such as Trinity Site, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Bandelier National Monument, and Pajarito Canyon. In addition, the river is a popular spot for kayaking, rafting, and magnet fishing.

Alamogordo Lake

Located near Alamogordo city, Alamogordo lake offers plenty of space for water activities, including kayaking, swimming, windsurfing, and magnet fishing. The best time to go is during the summer, although you can also try your hand at magnet fishing in spring and fall when temperatures are warmer too.

ABQ BioPark

ABQ Biopark is one of the top tourist destinations in New Mexico. It attracts more than a million visitors annually, making it a great spot to find lost or discarded items. This park also offers many outdoor activities so that you can make a day of it.

Other places you could try:

  • Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
  • Sandia Lakes
  • Conchas Lake
  • Eagle Nest Lake
  • Carlsbad Caverns. 

What can you find when magnet fishing in New Mexico?

Some of the things you can find include coins, jewelry, keys, cutlery, and other metal objects. If you’re lucky, you may even find something valuable, such as a watch or a piece of antique silverware.

Additional resources

Did you stumble upon other useful resources, locations, or maps for magnet fishing in New Mexico? Feel free to drop a comment down below!

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